Saturday, January 23, 2010

paninis, peach o's, playtime.

does this skirt look familiar? remember that $5 hippie skirt i bought at goodwill and used to wear as a dress? well...i turned it into a miniskirt. i really enjoyed this outfit and felt great wearing it. ive been shying away from black lately, but i completely embraced it with this look. i had a great evening with my boys at panera and then a great late night with my girl ellie.

diy skirt: goodwill
black tights: target
black tee: ??
key necklace: thrifted
ankle boots: target
black belt: family surplus thrift

the before skirt:


  1. i think it looks great both ways. i love thrifting things, because then i can cut them up and not feel bad. ;)

  2. this is gorgeous! Worn as a dress is my favorite. well done on the skirt to. <3

  3. oh god, i love your photos, your style ;o you're really cool!
    i found you on facebook, hah.
    sorry for my english, i'm not good in it.
