Sunday, May 23, 2010

We're halfway there!

The last day of school (for me) was very rainy, but a ton of fun. I spent three hours in choir with my great friends instead of going to my regular classes. I was exempt from every final in every class because of my straight A's and good attendance. All the hard work definitely paid off. I was able to skip the last two days of finals! My friend Ellie an I went out in the rain to snap some photos. It was so much fun.

On moi:
Pants: Urban Outfitters
Vneck: Target
Vest: Forever 21
Shoes: Salvation Army
Hat: Wet Seal
Belt: Gift
Necklace: Antique Store


  1. Hello! I came across your blog via Selective Potential's, and after browsing through your entries, I knew I had to follow you with Bloglovin. I love your style. :)

  2. oh you lucky one! actually, youre not lucky, you just worked hard,and congrats for the results!
    i still have a month of school..but your vacations already seem awsome, have fun!
    oh, and those pants are RAD ;)

  3. Nice outfit, I like the vest :) xo

  4. I just came across your blog via Selective Potential, and I like what I see! You have a very cute sense of style and congrats on your academic achievements!
